A favorite thing to do with our kids on vacation when they were small was to sign them up for Craft Classes. I would quite often bring stuff from home, but it was fun to sign them up for new things with other kids. Now we get to do it all over with my nephews. When I heard they were making tissue flowers I asked the oldest if I could come along. He thought that might be a good idea so off we went with Oma and his little brother.And every time they go to the Recreation Center with Oma, they get a treat…they each get a quarter and then they have to decide which one they want.
Our daughter Amy is catching up on Liesel time this week. They were in Australia when she was born, so they first got to meet her at 7 months!
I had my own “craft class” in the afternoon…I brought along this month’s Paper Pumpkin kit to work on.
These kits are so great to take along on the road. Most of what you need is in the box! If you’d like to try a 3 month subscription, the summer is a great time to start:) You can sign up HERE.
Yesterday was super hot and bedtimes were delayed. It’s always good to end the day with a good story.Have a great weekend everyone!